Do Foxes Eat Weasels: Ultimate Guide

Foxes are omnivores with a large appetite. They will eat weasels, even if it isn’t their favorite food source. Foxes are actually considered to be one of the major predators of the weasel, contributing to their low average life expectancy.

In areas where the fox population rises, the weasel population tends to decrease. Despite how it may initially seem, weasels are probably not the first choice of meal for a fox.

It’s suspected that weasel flesh is not particularly appetizing – but that foxes aren’t very fussy eaters.

A fox might eat a weasel because of a lack of other food sources. Foxes need to hunt for their food, which isn’t always in abundance.

The fox may pray on a weasel because of the resemblance it bears to other small mammals. Having spotted something in the distance, the fox gives chase, not realizing what’s caught their eye is an unappealing weasel.

On occasion, a fox may chase and kill a weasel, only to decide not to eat once it’s gotten a taste. 

Foxes will eat weasels, but they’ll probably prefer other food sources. Unfortunately, the weasels’ resemblance to other small mammals make them a confusing prey animal.

How does a fox catch a weasel?

Weasels hide themselves in long grass and cover, but that doesn’t mean foxes can’t spot them. A fox will use it’s amazing sense of smell to scent out a weasel from a distance.

They also have incredible hearing, allowing them to track the smaller mammal as it moves through the woodland. 

Having detected a weasel, the fox will approach discreetly. Foxes have a well-earned reputation for stealth and cunning. While a weasel carries on with its own hunt – they have a ravenous appetite – the fox will lie in wait.

Having chosen the optimum moment to strike, the fox will explode forwards. They can twist and turn to keep up with quick weasels, using their tail as a counterbalance.

Once the weasel is caught, the fox only has to use its powerful jaws to take the weasel down.

How does a weasel defend itself against a fox?

The weasel’s primary defense is its camouflage. Weasels are small and brown, able to blend in with natural surroundings.

Some weasels can even change their fur to match the seasons. In summer, the brown coat is difficult to spot amongst the debris and forest floor. When winter rolls around, their fur turns white. Perfect against a snowy background.

Weasels are very fast, and they’re nearly always geared up to go. When danger threatens, they can set off at remarkable speeds, an evasive maneuver that can be difficult to keep up with.

Weasels aren’t unequipped for a fight, as they need to use their teeth and claws to take down their own prey. Combining that same high energy with a painful bite can make them a surprisingly formidable foe.

Can a weasel hurt a fox?

The Least weasel is the smallest carnivore in the world, so they wouldn’t mind taking a bite out of a fox! Foxes have the size and weight advantage, but weasels are scrappy fighters. On more than a few occasions, weasels have been shown to get the best of a fox. 

Weasels have sharp teeth – they often take down their prey with a bite to the back of the neck. This bite can actually cause painful damage to the larger fox.

Weasels are also persistent, and full of energy. They won’t necessarily cower when a fox comes after them. Once cornered, they can put all their energy into a ferocious fight back.

A weasel won’t regularly best a fox, but it does happen. While it’s very unlikely that a weasel will kill a fox, they can certainly send them off licking their wounds.

Where do foxes eat weasels?

Weasels and foxes have very similar stomping grounds. Both can be found across Europe, North America, and parts of Asia. Foxes are slightly more widespread, but in most places where there are weasels – there are foxes.

Rural foxes are more likely to feast on weasels, compared to their urban relatives. With a large cross over in habitats, foxes will eat weasels wherever they can get them.

Do foxes eat stoats?

Weasels and stoats are commonly confused, as they look so remarkably similar. They’re also confusing to foxes, who will eat almost any small mammal they can. The tail is the easiest way to tell the two apart: stoats have a fluffy, black end to their tail. 

For a fox, both the weasel and stoat present a similar opportunity. A decent food source, if not their first choice. While a stoat may not have much to worry about when other foods are plentiful, like the weasel, it should stay alert when a fox gets hungry.

Chad Fox

Chad Fox is an author and researcher dedicated to bringing reliable information about foxes to the public. He supports animal sanctuary awareness.

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